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#Cheat BOT Luna Online Indonesia November 2011 / 2012

23 Desember 2011.
Cara pakai:
1. Log in char sampai masuk ke dalam game.
2. Bawa char sampai ke tempat hunt/mancing(untuk mancing harus sampai memilih slot mancing(air tenang), memasukkan umpan, dan mengaktifkan skillnya)
3. Aktifkan bot.
4. Kembali ke window Luna Online
5. Happy botting

Changelog autohunt=
V.1.1 Better autopot, better monster HP detection, add function to pause and unpause with Home key, change function to end bot with End key, simpler script build.

v.1.2 Add new window to input % HP&MP to use pots.

v.1.3 Add auto self buff.

v.1.3.1 Fix bug can't target self for rebuff

v.1.4 Add random move function, add skill delay function(jadi saat skill masih delay, ngga gebuk biasa, kecuali kl memang diisi 0 skill delay-nya), change 4 skill slot-4skill buff to 2skill slot-6skill buff, no need blue window background for use HP/MP pots.
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#Cheat Ayodance Audition Auto Couple Garden v.6074

Fitur : Auto Couple Garden v.6074
Status : WORK !Don't Forget To Follow My Blog Biar Ga Ketinggalan Berita Terbaru :)

Jangan lupa Tinggalkan Komentar bila cheat ini tidak work :)

Password Cheat :
Mirror Link

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BUG TIKET@Ayodance

Akhirnya setelah dimengerti dan dipelajari ternyata ada cara untuk
mendapatkan 2x EXP secara PERMANENT. saya dapat info dari teman saya
"QuChin" Thankz b4 buat teman saya yang udah kasih info BUGS EXP.. Hal
yang harus dilakukan yaitu mudah sekali...
Pertama : kita hanya perlu nonton orang wedding, dan kita ambil
hadiahnya.. biasanya kita dapat ( 2x Exp ) setelah itu kluar dari room
Kedua : setelah kluar dari room wedding kita main dance di room biasa
Ketiga : setelah kita maen di room biasa kita harus nonton orang wedding lage, dan kita ambil lagi hadiahnya 2x Exp.
Keempat : PENTING..!!! setelah kita ambil hadiah yg di no tiga. kita
harus kluar langsung kluar dari game... atau bisa pencet Alt+F4. (
otomatis langsung DC )
Kelima : setelah kluar dari game kita login lagi... and Nice setiap
kita main dance kita akan mendapatkan 2x EXP secara PERMANENT ( Double
EXP )...
NB : BUGS EXP hanya bisa di coba sekali dalam seumur hidup char
ayodance kita, n satu hal lagi.. jangan pernah nonton wedding lage..
klw g mau BUGS EXP nya hilang... Catatan : jangan pernah Wedding klw
sudah berhasil... coz, bisa hilang BUGS nya.. kalau bisa BUGS EXP nya
setelah kita wedding. keberhasilan kecil, jadi manfaatkan
sebaik-baiknya... So.. Coba deh... have a nice Ayodance... info ini
pernah gw post di forum tetangga....
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Sg Brutal + All Weapon brutal + SG Spas Keker+pistol keker+SG puter +Bonus Letak DLL Updtes Version part II 16 Desember 2011

16 Desember 2011.

Fiture :

Replace weapon

Weapon :
[-] SG Putar
[-] Spass Keker
Hand Gun :
[-] Pestol Keker
Male :
[-] Combat
Other HacX:

[-] Defuse And plant 1 Hit
[-] Brutal All Weapon
Hotkey :

[-] SG Putar : Numpad 1
[-] SG Keker : Numpad 2
[-] Defuse And Plant : Insert
[-] Brutal All Weapon : Auto On

-On Kan Replace saat Respon Ke 2 , 9Agar Terhidar progra ilegal)


[-]Buka PB launcher
[-]Buka Cheat
[-]Start PB
[-]happy cheating

Credit :

[-] Andi Amoes
[-] SC­™y0vi3

Thanks To :

[-] Vgm Rizky DreamLand
[-] TamBoreS Of Dragon (T.O.D)
[-] Legend Cheaters Of Indoesian (LCOI)
[-] All Member

Sedot Di SINI<<<...
Untuk Password : 12
Windows 7
Windows Xp
Windows Vista
NB :
-YANG Butuh DL silahkan Bisa lihat di Data C , folder dengan nama seperti biasa
(Folder akan muncul setelah cheat di Jalankan,,
-No SHow OFf
Leia Mais...

Cara Menon-aktifkan Menu Properties Pada Start Menu di Windows 7

27 November 2011.
Cara Menon-aktifkan Menu Properties Pada Start Menu di Windows 7. Menu Properties (diakses melalui klik kanan pada tombol START) yang ada pada Start Menu biasanya kita gunakan untuk melakukan pengaturan (settingan) yang berhubungan menu-menu yang ada pada tombol Start dan juga menu-menu pada Taskbar. Untuk mencegah orang lain agar tidak dapat melakukan perubahan settingan yang ada, kita dapat menon-aktifkan menu PROPERTIES ini.
berikut ini.
Langkah-langkah untuk Menon-aktifkan Menu Properties pada Start Menu adalah sebagai berikut.
Pertama, jalankan jalankan group policy  sehingga akan terbuka jendela
Kedua, kemudian klik User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Start Menu and Taskbar.
Ketiga, kemudian pindah ke panel sebelah kanan dan klik “Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings” , seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Keempat, kemudian akan muncul jendela “Prevent changes to Taskbar and Start Menu Settings”, seperti di bawah ini.
Kelima, kemudian pilih “Enabled
Keenam, kemudian klik Apply atau OK.
Ketujuh, sekarang cobalah untuk membuka perintah “Properties” yang ada pada Start Menu. Jika tidak ada kesalahan maka kita akan mendapati jendela konfirmasi yang isinya “This Operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer. Please contact your system administrator”. Seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Kedelapan, selamat mencoba.
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Cara Menghilangkan Icon Recycle Bin Pada Desktop di Windows 7

Cara Menghilangkan Icon Recycle Bin Pada Desktop di Windows 7. Recycle Bin adalah tempat penyimpanan sementara file-file dan folder-folder yang telah kita hapus sebelumnya. Kadang-kadang karena ketidaksengajaan dalam menghapusnya, kita masih membutuhkan file/folder tersebut. Dengan me-restore file/folder tersebut, kita akan mendapatkan file/folder tersebut seperti sedia kala.

Untuk menghindari hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan, kita dapat menyembunyikan icon Recycle Bin dari desktop dan juga dari Windows Explorer. Dengan demikian orang lain tidak dapat dengan mudah mengotak-atik isi Recycle Bin yang siapa tahu di belakang hari masih kita butuhkan.
Untuk menghilangkan atau menyembunyikan icon Recycle Bin
ikuti langkah-langkahnya berikut ini.
Kedua, setelah terbuka jendela Group Policy Editor, kemudian klik User Configuration\Administrative Templates\Desktop.
Ketiga, pindah ke panel sebelah kanan, kemudian klik double pada “Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop”, sehingga akan muncul jendela “Remove Recycle Bin icon from desktop”, seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Keempat, pada opsi yang ada, pilih “enabled
Kelima, kemudian lanjutkan dengan mengklik buton OK dan tutup gpedit.
Keenam, untuk melihat efeknya, lakukan log off terlebih dahulu kemudian log on lagi dan pastikan icon Recycle Bin telah hilang dari desktop kita.
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Menjalankan Atau Membuka Group Policy Editor Pada Windows 7

Cara Menjalankan Atau Membuka Group Policy Editor (gpedit) Pada Windows 7. Postingan ini mungkin tidak ada manfaatnya terutama bagi user-user yang sudah familiar dengan Windows 7 atau Windows lainnya. Namun juga postingan ini bisa bermanfaat bagi yang masih awam dengan Windows.
Langsung saja, berikut cara menjalankan atau membuka Group Policy Editor (gpedit) Pada Windows 7.
Pertama, klik Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Run hingga tampil jendela seperti di bawah ini.
Kedua, kemudian ketik “gpedit.msc” (tanpa tanda kutip) dilanjutkan dengan ENTER.
Ketiga, kemudian akan tampil jendela Group Policy Editor, seperti di bawah ini.
Pertama, klik Start >> All Programs >> Accessories >> Command Prompt, hingga tampil jendela Command Prompt seperti di bawah ini.
Kedua, kemudian pada C prompt ketikkan “gpedit” (tanpa tanda kutip) dan dilanjutkan dengan ENTER
Ketiga, kemudian tidak berapa lama akan tampil juga jendela Group Policy Editor seperti dengan CARA PERTAMA.
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Tips Mempercepat Loading Menu Start Pada Windows 7

Tips Mempercepat Loading Menu Start Pada Windows 7.
Ketika kita mengklik tombol Start maka akan bermunculan menu-menu yang sering disebut dengan Menu Start atau Start Menu. Kecepatan pemunculan menu-menu tersebut telah diset secara default oleh Windows. Nah, dengan tips ini kita akan mencoba untuk mengubah setingan default tersebut dengan tujuan lebih mempercepat pemunculan menu-menu tersebut. Caranya adalah dengan mengubah nilai/value MenuShowDelay (nilai defaultnya 400) menjadi lebih kecil atau rendah.
Caranya adalah sebagai berikut.
Pertama, buka Regedit sehingga akan jendela Registry Editor.
Kedua, kemudian klik HKey_Current_User\Control Panel\Desktop
Ketiga, kemudian pindah pada panel sebelah kanan kemudian cari dan temukan key MenuShowDelay.
Keempat, klik MenuShowDelay tersebut sehingga akan muncul jendela Edit String, seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Kelima, ganti nilai default 400 dengan nilai yang lebih kecil. Kita bisa mengganti dengan nilai 100, 50, atau bahkan 0.
Semakin kecil nilai yang kita isikan maka delay-nya semakin cepat yang itu artinya pemunculan menu-menunya menjadi lebih cepat.
Keenam, setelah klik Ok pada jendela Edit String kemudian lanjutkan denga menutup jendela Registry Editor.
Ketujuh, sekarang pastikan pemunculan menu-menu pada Start Menu lebih cepat dari sebelumnya.
Selamat Mencoba!!!
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Menggunakan Webcam Dengan Beberapa Aplikasi Secara Bersamaan Dengan ManyCam. Saya sering melakukan chatting dengan aplikasi chatting yang berbeda dalam waktu yang bersamaan, biasanya saya menggunakan aplikasi CAMFROG dan YAHOO MESSENGER (kedua aplikasi ini yang paling populer setidaknya untuk saat-saat ini). Ini dikarenakan tidak semua teman chatting saya mempunyai atau mengenal kedua-duanya aplikasi chatting tersebut. Kebanyakan mereka hanya mempunyai atau mengenal aplikasi Yahoo Messenger. Namun ada juga yang hanya mempunyai atau mengenal aplikasi CAMFROG.
Masalahnya adalah ketika saya menjalankan kedua aplikasi chatting tersebut secara bersamaan, saya hanya bisa menggunakan Webcam untuk salah satu aplikasi saja. Misalkan ketika saya sedang menggunakan Webcam pada aplikasi CAMFROG maka pada saat itu saya tidak bisa menggunakan Webcam tersebut untuk aplikasi Yahoo Messenger. Dan juga sebaliknya ketika saya sedang menggunakan Webcam ketika berchatting dengan Yahoo Messenger maka pada saat itu saya tidak bisa menggunakannya untuk aplikasi CAMFROG.
Namun masalah tersebut hilang ketika saya menemukan sebuah aplikasi gratis (freeware) yang bernama ManyCam. ManyCam adalah aplikasi yang memungkinkan kita menggunakan Webcam dengan beberapa aplikasi lainnya dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Contoh, sementara kita menggunakan webcam dengan menggunakan aplikasi Yahoo Messenger maka pada waktu yang bersamaan, kita pun dapat menggunakan webcam untuk aplikasi chatting lainnya, seperti MSN Messenger, ICQ, Skype, AIM, PalTalk, CamFrog, bahkan Youtube.
Setelah menginstal program ini, kita perlu mengatur ManyCam sebagai alat input utama untuk program yang ingin kita gunakan. ManyCam akan berjalan secara otomatis pada saat kita mengaktifkan webcam melalui aplikasi ini.
Dengan aplikasi ManyCam, kita dapat menambahkan teks, bendera suatu negara, tampilan jam pada layar video kita, seperti gambar di bawah ini.
Selain itu, kita juga dapat mengubah tampilan latar belakang (background) dan latar depan (foreground) pada tampilan webcam kita. Fitur unik lainnya adalah kita dapat meletakkan sepasang mata kaca mata lucu pada wajah kita yang akan mengikuti dari gerakan wajah atau mata kita.
Kita pun dapat memilih efek salju (efek snow) yang bertaburan pada tampilan webcam kita yang mungkin dapat menggambarkan di mana hati/pikiran kita sedang sejuk atau tentram. Ada juga efek api yang menyala-nyala (efek flame), efek air (efek water), efek matrik, dan masih banyak efek-efek lainya yang dapat kita coba-coba sendiri.
Oh, iya satu lagi, selain bersumber dari webcam, kita pun dapat menampilkan movie (film) dengan memilih tab Source kemudian pilih Movies lalu pilih tombol open lalu pilih folder tempat menyimpan film kita pada komputer. Dengan begitu, kita dapat menampilkan film yang sedang kita putar pada tampilan video (webcam) ketika kita sedang chatting. Jadi teman yang sedang chatting dengan kita akan melihat film yang sedang kita putar pada tampilan webcam kita. Selain itu, kita juga dapat menampilkan tampilan desktop, blank image, still image (gambar diam), dan juga playlist (menampilkan gambar secara bergantian).
Untuk lebih jelasnya, silakan di coba sendiri-sendiri, ya.
Untuk download, silakan klik ini
Dan gambar di bawah ini adalah contoh ketika saya melakukan chatting dengan efek-efek yang saya dapatkan dengan aplikasi ManyCam. Yang satu webcam dengan aplikasi Yahoo Messenger dan yang satu webcam dengan aplikasi Camfrog.
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Cheat Ninja Saga 1 Hit 100% Work

8 September 2011.

Blue Guy Bata (L)

Download Cheat Engine SENDIRI!!!

Critical Mode
1. Download CE
2. Habis itu install CE
3. Jalankan CE
4. Masuk NS, terus pilih "profile" (wajib)
5. Klik gambar komputer, terus pilih "plugin container exe" untuk mozilla, atau icon chrome jika kamu pake chrome (pokoknya sesuaiin sama browser kamu)
6. Setelah itu scan 9A9999999999A93F000000000000D03F9A (Value Type-nya : Array of Bytes)
7. Terus klik "First Scan"
8. Terus akan muncul 1 address
9. Double klik address tersebut, nanti otomatis akan pindah ke bawah
10. Setelah itu double klik addressnya, ganti type "Array of Bytes" ke "Double" nanti value akan keluar 0.05 kemudian ganti dengan 1 agar 100% critical

One Hit Kill
1. Download Cheat Engine 5.6
2. Install dan Buka “Cheat Engine.exe” atau “Cheat Engine”
3. Login Facebook dari Opera (bukan Mozilla atau Google Chrome dll. ya ),
4. Buka kembali Cheat Engine (CE) lalu “Value Type” nya ganti menjadi “Array Of Bytes”, Lalu Centang “Also Scan Read-Only Memory”
5. Centang Hex dan Isi dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?, Lalu Klik First Scan
6. Setelah Muncul 2 Adress di bagian Kiri, Double Klik satu per satu adress nya,
di bagian bawah ada 2 daftar setelah di double klik satu per satu adress nya
7. Setelah itu Klik kanan di salah satu dari 2 daftar/baris, lalu ke Change Record, lalu klik Value,
pasti agan menemukan “62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2?,
Delete Adress yang ada di atas lalu ganti dengan “62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2?
8. Klik Play Untuk Masuk Ninja Saga, lalu testing dengan menjalankan Misi, bisa di buktikan
dengan Jurus misal dah level 7 ke atas bisa puluhan ribu, dengan jurus misal dah level 30-an dah ratusan ribu kenanya

NB : Ini hanya bekerja dengan Jurus, bukan Attack atau taijutsu
100 % working sampe skrg

Emblem (not Permanent)CE 5.6.1
* masuk NS open process plugin-conatiner.exe/opera
* lalu scan tokenmu dengan 4bytes
* klik next scan 5 kali
* setelah itu pergi ke headquarters tukarkan 1 tokenmu dengan gold
* lalu scan lgi tokenmu yg sekarang
* setelah itu akan keluar 1 adress pindah bawah (jika lebih dari 1 coba saja salah 1)
* lalu tambahkan adressnya dengan +4 dan ganti valuenya dengan 2
* liatlah pada option acoountmu akan menjadi premium

NB : jangan beli senjata/ganti style/pet/talent..cheat ini hanya untuk baju...

Open All boss
* masuk NS open process plugin-container.exe /opera
* scan gold kamu dengan 4bytes
* lalu akan keluar 1 adress (jika lebih dari 1 pilih saja salah 1)
* pindahkan ke bawah lalu tambahkan adressnya dengan +34
* nanti valuenya akan berubah menjadi level kamu ubahlah sesuai keinginan kamu dan sekarang kamu dapat melawan hounting house ape king atau yang lain


CE 5.6.1
->Login FB trus masuk Ninja Saga
->Tunggu sampai pemilihan character[jangan di play dulu]
->Buka Cheat Engine lalu pilih Process List browser yang kamu gunakan
->Scan type "Array of Bytes",centang "ASROM" [Also Scan Read Only Memories]
->Scan 28 00 00 00 26 02 00 00 03 00 di dalam kotak HEX
->Pasti muncul 1 Addres,klik dua kali Addres tersebut sampai pindah ke Table yang di bawah
->Ganti value tsb menjadi AA FF FF 00 26 02 00 00 03 00
->Pilih char kamu dan klik PLAY
Leia Mais...

Cheat engine ter'baru

4 Juni 2011.
Nih buat agan" sekalian..
semua Cheat engine ada di sini..
silahkan klik Link di bawah ini..
Leia Mais...

Tutorial Cheat RF Online

3 Maret 2011.
RF Online

Beginners Guide

By Pablo

Table of Contents

0.0 - Introduction

1.0 - Installation
1.1 Creating account
1.2 Installing Game
1.3 Aquiring registration key

2.0 - Creating a character
2.1 Factions
2.2 Classes

3.0 - Controls
3.1 Mouse Mode
3.2 Keyboard mode

4.0 - Basics
4.1 Chatting, trading and buddies
4.2 Leveling
4.3 Equipment
4.4 Vendors
4.5 Guilds

5.0 - FAQs

6.0 - Contact Me!

7.0 - Legal Stuff

0.0 - Introduction

Hello, I'm Pablo, in this guide you will find he basics of this
game. I will run through the installation (as well as where to get
the hard-to-find registration key), the controls, the character
creation as well as many other aspects.This guide also includes
an FAQ section to answer many of your question about Rising Force

1.0 - Installation

Here you will find out about how to get the game up and running on
your computer.

1.1 Creating an account

Before you do anything else, I think it would be wise to create an
account. To do this you must first go to the official RF Online
website found at . Once there, look at
the right side of the website (the red column). Look through it until
you find a section called "service". Underneath that, you should see
"Create a COG account" (COG means CodeMaster Online Game). Click that.
Look through the Terms of Agreement and then select "I Agree" and
clicksubmit. Fill out all of the forms, then click submit. Fill out
the next forms (confirming your username and password). Then click
submit.Then, check your e-mail (the one that you gave) and click the
linkprovided in the email COG sent you. All you need to do now is
select"RF Online", enter the letter thingys and the regestration
key (see section below). Now you have an account!

1.2 Installing the game

Simple enough. Go to the following site and decide which downloading
client you want to use:

NOTE: If that does not work, use this site to download it:

1.3 Aquiring the registration key

To aquire the registration key, you must first go to the following
website: . Next, look for the
banner at the top of the page that says: "Try RF Online FREE for 10
days" (don't worry, the game's 100% free). Click on it. You will be
transported back to a page at the official site. Fill out the
confirmationthing. YOu will then see a registration code appear.
Copy and paste that when you creat an account (see 1.1).

2.0 - Creating a Character

Ah... creating a character. That has always been my joy about online
games. Well, anyways, in this section I will describle the three races
as well as each class.

2.1 Factions

Take control of a character from one of three factions. They are, the
Bellato Union (elfs), the Holy Alliance Cora (humans) and the
Accretia Empire (aliens/robots).

Bellato Untion:

Classes: Ranger, specialist, warrior and spiritualist. (See classes)

Overview: The Bellato Union utilise machines and some magic in their
culture. Renowned for their great mechanical minds, intelligence and
hand-eye coordination, the Bellato can construct huge armoured battle
mechs and weapons to use in the war. Though they are physically strong
and intelligent, the huge gravitational energies from their home planet
have left the Bellato with smaller builds. The Bellato are experienced
traders and their financial minds and greed have driven the need to
extend out to other planets, to colonize and claim resource. To expand
to the rest of the universe, the Bellato have to ensure that the Novus
Sector doesn't fall under the supremacy of the Accretia or Cora. This
desire to expand and grow will no doubt leave the galaxy engulfed in
turmoil and chaos.
(Taken from:

Backround: The mechanized equipment was initially produced for use in
scientific progression, and was used on construction sites in the past
and not for battle purposes. As the technology progressed, more diverse
types of armour equipment were mass-produced and as the armour unit
became more established it was placed into live battle zones.

Those early battles featuring the armoured machines saw some impressive
victories for the federation. This led to the national defence
expenditure increasing, with the army gearing towards producing more of
the armour units. However, in the course of the Novus War, the armour
unit’s previous criminal records coupled with a series of defeats in
battle to the Accretian launcher units, saw the internal position of
the unit's effectiveness within the army weakened. These defeats where
largely as a result of the armoured units not being designed in
consideration of the geographical features of the Novus Planet,
but after the rights to manufacture was handed over to the civilian
contractors, they were remodelled to suit the landscape of Novus.

As the efficiency of the armour units dropped due to the huge
operationalcosts involved, the federation’s peace committee decided
to close down the armour unit group. The armoured units can be divided
into two types; one constructed as a field style unit and the other as
a siege warfare unit. The Siege unit was very complicated to produce
and required vast amounts of consumable resources, more than the
federation could really sustain. The Field Armour unit in contrast
was better suited to mass production as it was possible to produce them
economically and for this reason they are more widely available. The
committee then became unsure as to how to dispose of the units, so they
decided that the civilians could dispose and trade the units at a low
price, but a law was passed due to the powerful firepower of the units
to ensure that they were not used outside of the army.
(Taken from:

Opinion: A great charater to play if you want a balance between the two
other factions. You are permitter magic (to a certain degree) and mechs
(to a certain degree as well). This is a great faction, in my opinion.

Holy Alliance Cora:

Classes: Spiritualist, warrior, specialist and ranger.

Overview: The Holy Alliance Cora is a spiritual civilisation with a
firm belief in religion and the magical arts. Though the history of
the Cora has been built on religious wars, which has created multiple
states and nations, the country is strongly unified through its core
religious beliefs. The Cora people, united as the Holy Alliance, now
battle for their survival using the magical powers drawn from their
spiritual beliefs, and traditional weapons blessed by their god, Disem.
(Taken from:

Backround: Decem has created the world to turn oblivion into beauty,
and the Corites to enforce his will. Knowing they are the chosen race,
Corites have organized their society accordingly to their faith in their
god. Everything they do in “This Life” is to ascend to a high station or
being, gaining them a closer relationship with their god. It is evident
that those who do enforce His will are granted more powers, abilities and
become stronger in the use of the Darkling Force, the most precious gift
Decem has made to His children.

Decem states that Corites must not harm the planet or any planets they
inhabit, that they must insure its well being and take care of it, for
harming the planet would be harming Decem himself. Corites are permitted
only to use the resources they need to expand and move on to help fulfil
the will of Decem. They do all things within nature, heightening it in its
vast beauty. The Corites refine metals with the Darkling Force, combining
alloys without causing pollution to create their items and weapons. All of
their items are technologies empowered by the Darkling force.

Corite clothing and armours are made from nothing but natural materials, the
clothing they wear is loose and allows for a lot of flexibility. It is the
Corites’ belief that their bodies are a shrine to Decem, for he created them.
Corites hold beauty with a lot of value, and take care of their bodies and
hygene extremely well. They love and respect their bodies as to act in perfect
unison within Decem.

All foods and consumables eaten by the Corites must be blessed by Decem before
they eat them. In accordance with their beliefs, all the food they ingest is to
be completely natural wholesome foods grown specifically by the Corites for the
purpose of eating, using only natural means to create the sustenance which they
require to survive.

Opinion: Although Cora is a great faction, it's no my favorite. That's because
the Cora's rely heavily on magic, and not much on combat. So this faction is
completly useless if you are not going to be doing magic (or possibly ranged)
attacks. But, if you love wizard-like people in video games, you'll love this

Accretian Empire:

Classes: Ranger, warrior and specialist.

Overview: The Accretian Empire follows a totalitarian regime where goals are
for the Empire, a thought that is embraced by its followers. There is no
feeling when it comes to the destruction of other races and for good
reason, for the Accretia are a race of mechanised units with a
materialistic thinking. The Accretia are proud to be the strongest and
most formidable race in the galaxy, and are proud of the huge weapons
they have created to kill men, women and all things living. Their need
to expand to the further reaches of the universe to become even
stronger is paramount and a key driving force to their being. This has
inevitably led them to the Planet Novus and the arcane civilisations
it plays home to.
(Taken from:

Backround: Accretians are organic brains merged into mechanical bodies…
Not being mere robots acting accordingly to a rigid piece of software,
they are to obey a motive, and that motive is the pursuit of perfection.

While individualism is not promoted, and not even tolerated, self-
consciousness does remain; the Accretian society is not to be seen
as a hive or a collective mind. The way they are created, educated
and indoctrinated makes the Accretians solely concerned by the
evolution of the society as a whole. However, perfection at a
higher level can only be achieved through perfection at an individual

Accretians are the direct descendants of the EMC researchers, the
humans who gave birth to Bellateans and Corites through their
experiments. Thriving on that heritage, they have brought the
intelligence and dedication to science of their ancestors up to
new levels.

Accretian culture is all about science and rational thinking. That
makes them seek relentlessly for knowledge and rational explanations
and solutions to problems, at every level. Be it a soldier learning
tactics from past skirmishes or a leading scientist searching new
cloning methods by the study of other races’ anatomy.

The Accretian army, being fully mechanised has very few needs, it does
however require constant maintenance. Apart from this downtime for
repairs, the Accretian army is quite self-sufficient; their robotic
bodies completely self sustaining and replenishing their energy and
bodily functions where required.

However the human brain inside of the Accretians cybernetic bodies
does need to rest every once in a while, the brain is incapable of
being on alert constantly without suffering from fatigue, thus when
needed to, the Accretians will shut down and ‘rest’ to recover .
Despite this biological need to rest, an Accretian are still far
stronger than it would be if still in human form. Their metallic bodies
also grant the Accretian populace a far superior regeneration
capability then that of the Bellateans or the Corites.

Opinion: My personnal favorite faction. These guys remind me of
Transformers, actually.They are mostly combat oriented (although I do
love giving them those giant guns). And,they have a very fast recovery
rate. But, there is absolutly no magic for this faction.So if you
want magic, join the Alliance, or the Union. Because these powerhouses
are too strong for that.

2.2 Classes

Class: Warrior

Faction: Bellato

Description: Warrior focus more on close-range attacks than anything
else. They wear heavy armor and have strong melee weapons. As part of
the Belatto faction, warriors have a medium strength.

Upgrade chart:

Berserker (lvl 40)
Commando (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Warrior Armsman (lvl 40)
\ /
Miller (lvl 30)
Shield Miller (lvl 40)

Class: Warrior

Faction: Cora

Description: As a Cora, warriors are OK. That's because Cora's are so
good in magic that you'd be better off just becoming a spiritualist.
But still, a warrior is a warrior. And, although not as powerful as
the Accretians, are still pretty strong.

Upgrade Chart:

Templar Knight (lvl 40)
Champion (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Warrior Guardian (lvl 40)
\ /
Knight (lvl 30)
Black Knight (lvl 40)

Class: Warrior

Faction: Accretia

Description: The most powerful unit in the game. Along with the stength of
giant melee weapons, and the right equipment, you will cause everybody to
shake in fear lol. Anyways, I often refer to this guy as the powerhouse,
so make good use of him.

Upgrade Chart:

Punisher (lvl 40)
Destroyer (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Warrior Assaulter (lvl 40)
\ /
Gladius (lvl 30)
Mercenary (lvl 40)

Class: Ranger

Faction: Bellato

Description: Heh heh... The Bellato rangers remind me of spies (or assasins,
for that matter). They are best suited with a gun (bows are nice, but these
guys work better with light firearms). Also, Bellato units have quite a bit
of agility, so make good use of it.

Upgrade Chart:

Hidden Soldier (lvl 40)
Desperado (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Ranger Sentinel (lvl 40)
\ /
Sniper (lvl 30)
Infiltrator (lvl 40)

Class: Ranger

Faction: Cora

Descirption: Perfect time to bust out the ol' bow and start firing. The Cora
are best suited for bows, and not guns. Coras also have great agility which
is essentiel for a ranger. Another thing that is great for the Coras is the
very long range they have.

Upgrade Chart:

Adventurer (lvl 40)
Archer (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Ranger Stealer (lvl 40)
\ /
Hunter (lvl 30)
Assasin (lvl 40)

Class: Ranger

Faction: Accretia

Description: It's time to bring in the big guns... literally. The thing about
Accretia (even though they are best suited for warriors), is the massive size
of some of their guns. It's crazy! On the downside, though, because of the
giant metal suits, these guys don't have as much agiliy as the other

Upgrade Chart:

Phantom Shadow (lvl 40)
Scout (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Ranger Dementer (lvl 40)
\ /
Gunner (lvl 30)
Striker (lvl 40)

Class: Specialist

Faction: Bellato

Description: Specialists do not focus on combat. But they are great as
mining, producing ore and crafting things. Meh. That's all I have to
say about this class.

Upgrade Chart:

Craftsman (lvl 30) -> Mental Smith (lvl 40)
Basic Specialist
Driver (lvl 30) -> Armor Rider (lvl 40)

Class: Specialist

Faction: Cora

Description: Same basic principal as the Bellato specialist. I have nothing
more to say.

Upgrade Chart:

Basic Specialist -> Craftman (lvl 30) -> Artist (lvl 40)

Class: Specialist

Faction: Accretia
Description: Unlike other specialists, these guys are good enough in combat.
But otherwise, it's the same concept as the others.

Upgrade Chart:

Scientist (lvl 40)
Basic Specialist -> Engineer (lvl 30)
Battle Leader (lvl 40)

Class: Spiritualist

Faction: Bellato

Description: Bellatos are OK in magic. They can still use a variety of spells,
although not as powerful as the ones Cora uses.

Upgrade Chart:

Wizard (lvl 40)
Psyper (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Spiritualist Astralist (lvl 40)
\ /
Chandra (lvl 30)
Holy Chandra (lvl 40)

Class: Spiritualist

Faction: Cora

Description: At last! The only class (that I find) does Cora justice. Coras
are very good in magic. They can cast a wide variety of spells. If you level
up well enough, you can even fight using only magic!

Upgrade Chart:

Warlock (lvl 40)
Caster (lvl 30)
/ \
Basic Spiritualist Dark Priest (lvl 40)
\ /
Summoner (lvl 30)
Grazier (lvl 40)

3.0 - Controls

In this section you will learn about the different controls in RF Online.

3.1 Mouse Mode

Coming Soon

3.2 Keyboard Mode

Hold and move mouse to move camera

Zoom In/Out

Move Forwards

Move in reverse

Rotate left

Rotate Right

Move forwards

Move in Reverse

Strafe Left

Strafe Right

Opens Inventory

Opens Journal
Opens character menu

Opens chat (until you exit it)

Opens quick chat (closes once you send a message)

Opens buddies menu

(E-Mail me if I forgot some commands)

4.0 - Basic

Here I will just run through some of the basics of the game.

4.1 Chatting and trading, buddies and guilds

- To chat you must either open the quick chat or the regular chat. Quick
chat will only allow you to send global messages, while the regualar chat
enables you to send messages glabaly, to your party, to your guild or to
your faction (by clicking the buttons at the bottom). You can also whisper
to one person in perticular.

- All you have to do to trade is hold CTRL then left click on somebody.
A little menu should come up beside the person, all you have to do is then
click trade, If they accept, the trading will commence, if they decline,
then you wont trade with that person.

- Buddies are people like contacts on an IM. You will always know if they are
online and you'll be able to send them personal messages (PMs). For someone to
become your buddy, they must accept you request. To send a request, hold CTRL
and then left click on that person. Then click "buddies" (or something like
on the little menu that comes up. If they accept, you've got a new buddy !


4.2 Levelling

Levelling is an extremly easy concept. Whenever you hit an enemy, you gain
experience points. Once you have enough XP, you'll gain a level. When you
gain a level, your abilities increase and you earn the right to wear better
equipment. To see how close you are to growing a level, just look at the
bottom left of the screen. You should see a percentage (i.e. 34.23%). That's
what percent of the XP needed to gain a level you have.

4.3 Equipment


5.0 - FAQs

Nothing yet, I'll post questions that I recieve in e-mails.

6.0 Contact me!

You can contact me at:

Please put RFO or RF Online or something similar in the title or it will
be treated as spam. All questions, corrections and suggestions are very

7.0 Legal Stuff

Only is autorized to use this guide.

Thanks to the official RF website for the backround stories of the factions.

(c)2008 MVP Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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Tutorial cheat rf online terbaru ASPD khusus Launcher

[Tutorial] ASPD(khusus Launcher)
1.buka RE 7.2 ato apaja yang penting bs :p>rf_onlie.bin
3.value type -> text
4.scan char loe (case sensitive)
5.browse satu-satu address mpe ketemu yang seperti ini
XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B9 89 E7 45 00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 B9 89 E7 45
00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 43
00 00 00 00 A2 E9 00 20 38 30 1A 0A E8 34 1A 0A
D7 16 00 00 23 D4 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 3A 9B 0D
FF FF FF FF 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF
FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (01) 00 00 00
00 00 80 3F E8 7D 84 03 00 00 00 00 30 D0 92 02
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
5.address 23 klik kanan ->add 4 byte.trz freeze (di centang) tanda = gnt +
address D4 klik kanan ->add 4 byte.trz freeze (di centang) tanda = gnt +
*address tersebut slalu ganti-ganti…so ga mesti 23 D4.
6.address 80 klik kanan ->add byte.maka akan menjadi 128 ubah ke 0.freeze
address 3f klik kanan ->add byte.63 ubah ke 65/66/67.freeze
7.address (01)klikanan ->add byte.1 ubah ke 0 trz freeze.
8.New Scan.
9.Scan Senajata Loe ex.Intense Missile Launcher
10.browse satu satu adrezz mpe ketemu
49 6E 74 65 6E 73 65 20 4D 69 73 73 69 6C 65 20 4C 61 75 6E 63 68 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 58 14 41 00 9C 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 10 F7 07 00 00 00 00 00 64 14 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 79 08 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2D 02 FF 21 FF 00 00 00 (A8 08) 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 01 01 01 00 00 61 43 F1 04 00 00 9A 0A 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF
8.A8 08 edit ganti 00 00
untuk jenis frame thrower bukan A8 08 tetapi 6A 08
9.New Scan
10.Scan Baju Launcher ex.Accreica(paling murah sehhh..bli 5 kurang dari 1k hargana :p)
11.Browse address..ntar ketemu address yang bagian paling kiri baris ke enam valuenya 1..inget barissss ke enammmm..trz add byte..1 merupakan code utk di pakai di baju..untuk amulet=10,,cincin=9..
12.ganti value 1 menjadi 10 untuk amulet 9 untuk cincin..hotswap di bank..
13.hmmm…jadi tuh aspd..untuk lebih mak joss nya pake siege kit…
Leia Mais...

Cheat RF Online : Extreme ASPD

Extreme ASPD + Damage + Fly Hack + Fast Run..!

all the credits goes to all the one who found the hack i just compiled it

1.Use cheat engine
2.Memory View
3.Use text in value
4. Search your Weapon

49 6E 74 65 6E 73 65 20 4D 69 73 73 69 6C 65
20 4C 61 75 6E 63 68 65 72 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 58 14 41 00 9C 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 01 00 00 00 06 00 00 00 10 F7 07 00 00 00
00 00 64 14 00 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 01
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 79 08 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2D 02 FF 21 FF 00
00 00 A8 08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0B 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 07 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 01 01 01 01 00 00 61 43 F1 04 00 00 9A 0A
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 08 00 00 00
00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF

5. Change A8 08 to 00 00 add the whole address maket it 4 byte and =

6.Search your name(Name of your Character) Example DamageHack

XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B9 89 E7 45 00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 B9 89 E7 45
00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 43
00 00 00 00 A2 E9 00 20 38 30 1A 0A E8 34 1A 0A
D7 16 00 00 A4 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 3A 9B 0D
FF FF FF FF 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF
FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 80 3F E8 7D 84 03 00 00 00 00 30 D0 92 02
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

7. Add address A4 in 2 bytes make it + then add 07 in 2 byte make it +

8. Add address 80 in byte and change the value to 0 and =
9. Add address 3f in byte and change the value to 66 or with YaRFOB up to 80 and =

ill add again later may notebook is has run out of battery

10. for Fly Hack in the damage hack

XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
B9 89 E7 45 00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 B9 89 E7 45
00 25 1D C3 84 A9 AB 44 00 00 00 00 00 00 1C 43
00 00 00 00 A2 E9 00 20 38 30 1A 0A E8 34 1A 0A
D7 16 00 00 A4 07 00 00 00 00 00 00 78 3A 9B 0D
FF FF FF FF 00 00 80 3F 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF
FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00
00 00 80 3F E8 7D 84 03 00 00 00 00 30 D0 92 02
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

11. Add E9 in 2 byte for fly change the value to 201 (Note E9 Value is always Constant)
12. Add 1D in 2 byte for fly change the value depending on the location (Note 1D Value is not Constant) basically + or - 80 to 100

13. for the easiest Speed hack equip a wind weapon and a ranger boots (make sure that you remove any elemental ring or buff that chnages the speed) now search 1.169 float type. you will have more than 100 result. find in your result the value is almost the same as the damage hack. for example Damage Hack = 02D3701C Your Speed hack address starts at 02D3**** and the value is always 1.6999995****) freez it change the value to 8 - this is my procedure in finding speed hack

More to come i'll edit again later for Invisibility and HP Hack

Ok this is the hard part HP Hack.
HP Hack allows you to increase your hp value maximum of 150% any thing more you cannot use your potions. this is a time consuming hack to do it right

1. first remove any hp modification buff & equip use float search for your hp value youll get arround 1000 addresses now equip 1 hp modification ring then search the value then remove the search again continue doing this until youll get 1 address add the adrress dont put any thing

2. ok the second thing is to find the actual address that varies when u get damage. remove all hp modification buf and equip. search your hp by float again now try to get damage using decreased by percentage do this till you get 1 address note: this is the hard part it takes time to master.

3 now set the 2 address in byte then change to the hp you like max 150%. now test it if you die before you got the total damage equivalent to your hp you did not got the right address. take note your hp is alway full even you got damage. if you die when the total damge = your hp you have successfully got the hp hack working.

4. now use pot hack you'll be invincible now you could solo in OC or BM

[Tutorial]48.Anti Stun and Isa Pake Force Pas Jalan..!

This cheat allows you to run and attack at same time also use force+skills.
You will also not be affacted by any kinds of stun.

Use CE for this cheat:

1. search with 2bytes after the value: 4096
2. (optional) kill yourself and search after value: 20480
now you should have about 30-40 adresses left
3. attack an monster, and look for 2x4096 changing to 8192 each time you attack
4. freeze thoes two at 4096 and you wont ever be stuck anymore.

*for fun, try change it manually to 20480 =)

Edit: combind this with lootbot to autoattack while running
Tested a few times on my Acc
This does not work in siege kit
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Cara Proteksi Folder dan Memberi Password Pada Folder

haduh stelah sekian lma tidak posting..
skrnk saatnya untuk posting lgi nih.. smoga bermangfaat yah bauit manteman sklian..
Saat saya sedang blogwalking kemarin, saya menemukan sebuah software yang bagus nih. Software ini bisa digunakan untuk memproteksi folder penting milik anda. Software ini bernama Folder Lock versi 6.3.5 atau versi terbarunya. Folder Lock menawarkan cara tercepat untuk enkripsi dan password melindungi file dan folder. Anda dapat memilih untuk mengenkripsi file-file penting dari teknisi atau mengunci file, gambar dan data pribadi dari pengguna biasa. Folder Lock memiliki lebih dari 20 fitur privasi yang semuanya disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan khusus untuk anda yang menginginkan privasi dan keamanan untuk foldernya.

Folder Lock menciptakan lumbung dienkripsi disebut 'Lockers'. Anda dapat menyimpan sebanyak mungkin file pribadi anda & folder dalam Locker dan password anda lindungi dengan satu klik. Anda dapat mentransfer, aman dan cadangan Lockers ini. Locker yang portabel, Anda dapat menyimpan mereka dalam USB Drives, CD / DVD, & notebook atau transfer melalui email atau upload. Lockers ini adalah undeletable pada komputer dimana Folder Lock diinstal.

Folder Lock menggunakan standar militer AS 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard Algoritma untuk melindungi barang berharga Anda. Enkripsi on-the-fly dan dekripsi adalah konten yaitu otomatis dimuat dalam memori bukan harddisk. Ini berarti data Anda unrecoverable tanpa sandi yang benar tidak peduli bagaimana perlindungan adalah perlindungan dirusak dan cepat seperti halnya menghilangkan kerumitan decrypting segala sesuatu dalam hard drive anda.

Folder Lock menawarkan portabilitas penuh dengan menawarkan proteksi password PC independen dari file dan folder Anda. Buat Locker portabel di USB Drive atau Memory Stick dan Folder Lock akan juga membuat autoplay dieksekusi dalam USB drive. Otomatis plug & plug juga didukung sehingga mudah untuk membuka dilindungi Lockers pada USB drive tanpa perlu menginstal Folder Lock.

Dengan Folder Lock, semua data Anda duduk di satu lokasi yaitu diamankan Anda Locker. Selain itu, program ini mendukung multi-user interface sehingga mudah bagi seluruh keluarga atau kolega Anda untuk menggunakan komputer Anda untuk menyimpan Lockers mereka sendiri dengan password mereka sendiri. Pernah lagi khawatir kehilangan data, pencurian atau pelanggaran privasi. Jika Anda berbagi komputer dengan orang lain atau rasa takut hacker dan pencuri dapat mencuri data Anda, berikan Folder Lock a try!

Folder Lock adalah kompatibel pada semua 32-bit dan 64-bit rasa dari Windows 7.0, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2008, Windows 2003 Server dan Windows 2000. Perlindungan adalah cross-platform yang kompatibel dan PC yang independen. Folder Lock menawarkan fitur dan nol besar berkompromi mengenai keamanan data di semua versi Windows.

download software untuk proteksi folder

Fitur dan Manfaat:
• 256-bit enkripsi AES on-the-fly (standar militer) untuk proteksi file.
• File Lock, Folder Lock, Drive Lock, File dan Folder Encryption Encryption. Semua dalam satu paket lengkap.
• Full Portabilitas. Password melindungi USB Drives, Kunci CD & DVD dan password berbagi dengan teman yang dipercaya.
• Cadangan atau mentransfer Lockers dilindungi kata sandi Anda di mana saja. Semua data duduk di satu tempat untuk memudahkan cadangan.
• Undeletable Lockers (pada PC mana Folder Lock diinstal). Penghapusan mengharuskan Anda untuk login ke Folder Lock.
• file rusak secara otomatis ketika data dienkripsi. Pilih pilihan ini untuk keamanan data penuh.
• Stealth Mode Fitur efisien dapat menyembunyikan semua jejak yang pernah Folder Lock terpasang pada PC Anda.
• Sejarah Windows cleaning. Menghapus sejarah aktivitas PC secara otomatis ketika Locker menutup.
• Attempt Monitoring Hack pilihan dapat memantau usaha password palsu dan dapat Shutdown PC secara otomatis.
• Fastest Encryption! Data dienkripsi kemudian terdekrip dalam memori, data mencegah pemulihan & lambat pemrosesan.
• Complete Privacy! Apakah Anda khawatir dengan privasi, pencurian data, kehilangan data, kebocoran data atau serangan virus. Anda perlu Folder Lock!

Change Log:
- Maintenance update menampilkan Lockers integritas yang lebih baik, membuat mereka menghapus dan menyalin dilindungi. Selain itu, anda dapat memberikan kami umpan balik dalam bentuk ide dan saran. Ini adalah update yang direkomendasikan.

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Hack Mako Online Indonesia V 1.4 VIP Free Version

1 Januari 2011.

F1 = Hack Gold 100.000.000 Masuk Server yang kamu bisa masuki, buat room, setelah itu keluar room dan kembali kepemilihan server,
lihat gold kamu berapa.. Setelah itu tekan lagi Hotkey F1 untuk Unfreeze,
Karena biasanya suka error kalau di freeze terus dan walau gold anda sedikit, anda bisa masuk ke server yang besar expnya

F2 = Hack Gold 100.000 Masuk Server yang kamu bisa masuki, buat room, setelah itu keluar room dan kembali kepemilihan server,
lihat gold kamu berapa.. Setelah itu tekan lagi Hotkey F1 untuk Unfreeze,
Karena biasanya suka error kalau di freeze terus dan walau gold anda banyak, anda bisa masuk ke server yang kecil

F3 = Hack Cash 100.000 Buat Gaya doang di Screen Shot, dan masukan ke facebook atau lainya, buat hoax-hoax aj kwkw

F4 = Hack Jumlah Menang menjadi 999 (Client Side) Caranya setelah di loby server, kita tekan hotkey dan buat room, setelah itu kita keluar room
dan tada.. Jumlah Menang menjadi 999 (Tidak permanent)

F5 = Hack Jumlah Kalah Menjadi -999 (Client Side) Caranya sama seperti Hotkey F4 di atas

F6 = Hack Stamina 80 (server Side) Efeknya juga server side, misal stamina kamu tinggal 1, nah kamu kalau tekan hotkey F6 jadi Stamina kamu 80 lagi..
Ingat Jangan Sampai Stamina 0, karena efek tidak akan jadi server side, Selamat Mencoba

F7 = Hack Tantangan Attack (Baru) Menjadi 4/5 (Agar 1x Main Attack langsung dapat reward 200.000 Gold) Gold yang di dapatkan Permanent dan server side
Gold yang di dapatkan dapat di gunakan

F8 = Hack Tantangan Attack (Baru menjadi 0/5 (Agar Attack Reward tereset dan dapat mengambil reward gold lagi 200.000)

*NB : Untuk Hotkey Masing-Masing ada Timmingnya.. kalau Timming salah kemungkinan akan Disconect/Crash/Tidak akan jalan

Saya Yakin Hotkey F7 dan F8 pasti akan menjadi Favorite Kalian, nah untuk itu saya tidak akan beri clue tambahan, kalian harus mencari clue sendiri

Not For Sale !!!Download
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BUG Quest RF lvl 51-57

cara bug quest tuh gini . .

di jurnal,lo harus penuhin quest sampe 3 quest (BUKAN QUEST ENDAPAN/OPERATION n)

setelah lo dah isi jurnal lo 3 quest trus lo tambahin quest yg mw lo bug seperti operation N n endapan . .

otomatis di jurnal lo kan jadi 5 quest . .

nah baru lo jalanin bug quest seperti yg dah dishare"

klu cara gue tiap selsein quest kan dapet 2 pilihan yg di atas kita bisa milih "ya" dan "tidak"

trus yg di bawah kita cuma bisa milih "ya"

nah,tiap lo selesein quest lo klik pilihan yg di atas "tidak" dan pilihan di bawah "ya"

pokoknya bgtu trus sampe quest terakhir . .

tapi klu quest terakhir kan kita dapet 1 pilihan ajh . .

yg itu ga usa di klik ap"

balik ke tempat lo ambil quest tu . .

pas dah ambil quest lagi baru lo minum pot expnya . .

oh iya,ada yg lupa . .

tiap lo ambil quest tar muncul perintah" gtu . .

lo esc" ajh yg itu . .
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cara ngeBUG/Cheat RF ^^

Di RF ada BUG bwat isis jadi bisa ngilang tanpa bisa disentuh momon
Tempatnya di Volcano sama di Elan kalo di volcano lo masuk ke dalem goa trus ketemu 3 tiang, tiang yg tengah lo puterin sampe ISIS/HECATE lo Kedet2 gk jelas…. abis itu serang deh momon yg lo suka, (tapi momon di daerah sana juga) kalo di ELan lo jalan ke tempat paling ujung trus masuk goa muterin tiang lagi sampe isis kedet2 baru dah serang lagi….

Bug Anti Target
Hanya bisa digunakan pada karakter dengan job RANGER… colok hatred talic ke equip anda.. rusuh dengan keyboard mode.. anda akan kelihatan berkedip-kedip ngilang, jadi targeting bangsa lain akan ilang juga ^^

Bugs Wall 1
Naik ke atas buat nembak dan naikin pt jauh sewaktu lvl 40 tanpa modal pot? Pergi ke goa haus … cari tiang pertama dari arah portal accretia Posisikan character anda di atas bukit yang tidak jauh dari tiang pertama, click di tiang tersebut sekitar 3 cm dari lantai dasar. Untuk naik ke atas, anda tinggal tekan W(keyboard mode) dan anda bisa pergi ke mana aja tanpa peduil kerusuhan di bawah sono ^^ ( hati-hati ketemu ras lain yg nge-bugs) Jika anda ingin gunakan untuk gb pt jauh, lakukan mob 1 ato 2 monster dan pas udah di posisi naik sedikit dari tiang, anda lakukan click zig zag di tiang tersebut.. sampe monster tidak bisa memukul anda, dan tembak dia… gb launcher ama jauh anda sampe GM!

Bugs Wall 2
Di Ether Markas Accretia, Cari pohon pertama di layar kanan anda sewaktu kluar dari gerbang Lakukan putaran beberapa kali di pohon tersebut menggunakan mouse, sampai anda masuk ke dalam pohon.. anda bisa hit monster yang tanpa terkena damage.. asik kan? Bugs lain untuk wall sepertinya hanya untuk having fun aja, seperti di pesawat dan beberapa tempat yang bisa di naiki.

Bug Wall Istana Haram
masuk tembok buat lewatin tower berguna buat acc yang pengen rusuh maklum gw acc Haram trus ke kanan (arah keluar) trus sebelom turunan ada garis, bediri di blakang garis (pinggir kiri) klik ujung tiang kanan yg dibawah, dari sana klik atas tiang depannya terus sampe ujung.. masuk ke dalem tembok (tembok yg bulet) bisa manjat ke atas, bisa buat lewatin tower, manjat, nyebrang ke tembok yg kiri jalan terus sampe gerbang lainnya, trus tembak2in coranya…

Masuk kolong di haram
dari tempat nongol (kalo cora) jadi deket lelang yg rame, trus turun di depan kiri ada naikan kn.. bediri di samping naikan ituh.. sekitar 5 garis2 kecil dipinggir tanjakan.. trus pencet K, klik ujung dari tanjakan ituh (bagian atas) kalo malah muter ke atas mungkin kurang maju.. ntar bisa masuk ke kolongnya, muter ampe keluar deh… Bug Numerus
caranya : pergi ke pintu bagian kanan isana numerus . berdiri di kotak paling depan sebelah kanan dkt tangga . hadapkan kamera ke kanan atas pintu , maka anda akan melihat pilar gede . . klik 1 kali sisi kanan pilar , dan anda otomatis aka jalan melawati tembok . .

Klo bug CPT gampang…
abis slesein quest lw mati aj 7x… tar CPT lw nambah pas mati k-7x..

Bug tembok di markas 213
caranya, pertama ke gate 213 yg menuju ke arah catacomb trus lw liat gate nya dari arah luar klik di sudut tumpul yg berada pada tembok sebelah kiri gate ntar tingal jalan terus aja deh n’ char lw udah bisa muter2 d dinding nya 213 kelanjutan bug ini :
kalo lw jago ngebug lw bakaln bisa jalan2 di pegunungan nya 213pengalaman gw nih, gw ngebug di pegunungan di pinggiran peta
gw jalan sampe ke lembah kematian
pas di peta itu di paling pojok kiri bwh peta 213, tempat spawn ABAnya gw pasangin tower 5-6 gituw
trus gw hit ABAny==>tower auto attack ke ABA==> ABA target si tower
tapi sayangnya tower gw ada di pegunungan td
so? ABA cengo ampe mati dan gw ambilin droppannya

NB: lw bisa aja masangin twr di portal ke cragmine atow ditempat2 yg biasa didatengin bangsa laen biar ntar bangsa laen itu ditembakin tower (sama kek bug tower solus anacade) tp masangnya harus di dinding2 pegunungannya :D

Bug ether…
- di pohon mana aja di ether(KLO acc pas kluar markas, lo cari aja pohon gede)
- pake mode jalan ,, jangan lari(agak susah klo lari)
- mode tempur (keluarin senjata)
- lu kelilingin pohon sampe masuk dalem pohon
- gak bisa di target musuh
- tapi kalo diserang hecate bisa kena
- kalo udah masuk pohon
- pake mode lari
- klik puncak tembok yang paling deket ama charmu
- kalo ho-q bisa manjat
- kalo enggak itu si DL /lol

bellato biar Heal gak pake delay
->taro healing di makro pot HP trus di pollin rangenya, taro healing di slot F1
->ntar pas lo kena damage langsung pencet terus2an f1nya dan voila hp lo gak ngurang
->jgn lupa make acutenessnya jg (udah gw tes nglawan ABA skali getok 7k begitu pake bug ene langsung poll hp gw :D

Bug di pantai crimson (momonnya diam, cuman liatin lo)
-> bawa 1 momon (gw saranin ABA biar bisa skalian gb pt)
-> trus lari ke arah air ampe mentok terserah ke arah mana(bawa ke ujungggg ampe gak bisa jalan lagi, pada baian tertentu)
-> udah deh ntar momonnya diem cengo aja kek orang bego
-> lo gebukin aja tuh momon ampe K.O:D

bug premi:
-> beli kartu premi
-> masukin kode
-> mainin RFnya
-> 5mnt trakir premi lo dc ( masuk ke pilih karakter )
-> tunggu 5-10 mnt ampe premi abis
-> voila premi masih ada
kalo ad kecelakaan premium masih ada tapi drop ama exp tetep tuh cman gara2 salah cara aja… (soalnya biasanya RF ngecek orang2 yang preminya mw abis tuh 3-4 menit trakir disaaat2 itu udah di pasang alarm ny)

Bug ether for bellato:
->di white hole
->di peta cari tanjung di daerah WH kiri (kalo dipeta disamping term.bellato)
[O] — [X]
O = term.bellz X=jurangnya
-> ntar disitu ada poon yg paling ujung deket jurang
-> cara buggnya pertama lo liat poon dgn sudut pandang yg bener sampe lo ngliat poonnya ada si sblah kanan lw (lo di kiri poon dikanan)
-> klik ke arah jurang tapi sambil make keyboard (agak susah tp latihan aja terus)
-> nanti lo bakal masuk ke tebing ny
-> ntar bawa aja momon ke situ dan ketika lo masuk ke jurang
-> voila momonnya diem cengo kek orang bego dan lo tinggal banzai
PS: hati2 momonnya juga bisa ke bugg masuk ke jurangny jd HaTI2

Bug ether for cora
-> di Lures
-> cora yg suka hunt di Lures pasti taw (gw agak lupa tempat pastinya >.<) -> cari aja jurang yang di dalem jurangnya ada pesawat yang terdampar
-> bawa caliana/passer atau apaapun yg mw lo bunuh
-> deketin pesawatnya
-> trus klik sirip pesawatnya (sirip sama ekor beda jadi jgn salah klik nanti hasilnya akan beda)
-> nanti lo bakalan naik ke atas pesawatnya dan momonya diem cengo kek orang bego
-> bunuh momonnya
-> voila dapet PT, dapet drop, tanpa make pot (kalo lo dah pro :D)
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